Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Cake Donuts

Here at Mel-O-Cream, we offer our celebrated Donut of the Month.  For more information on our flavors and what time of year to expect them, go to our website here.  The month of January welcomes one of our customers’ favorite flavors of cake donut: Lemon.

These donuts have a very clean and zesty citrus flavor.  And you can easily add some visual zest to your donuts by finishing the top of your lemon cake ring donuts in bold, yellow icing.

What we’ve done here is topped our tasty treats with vanilla icing combined with yellow food coloring.  It’s very easy to transform any plain vanilla icing into any hue you choose.  First, warm the icing to the recommended temperature.  Then, slowly add your selected food coloring a few drops at a time.  Your goal is to make a color that is slightly lighter than the color you actually wish to achieve.  This is because the icing will darken a shade when warmed up to the appropriate usage temperature.

Remember This:  Not all food colorings are created equal.  So don’t throw in all the color at once!  Instead, a gradual blending of color to the icing will guarantee the correct tint.

If you really want to add a kick to your lemon cake donuts, you can use a lemon frosting.  Ask your distributor if they carry this flavor of icing; if not, you may need to improvise.  Here's an idea:  after obtaining the desired yellow color for your vanilla icing, simply add some lemon flavoring from your spice section. 

Remember That:  A little goes a LONG way when it comes to lemon flavoring, so use sparingly.

After finishing the donuts with this canary-colored icing, we added a smattering of saffron sprinkles.

Remember Again:  Sprinkles will fall off if the icing has set, so only finish a couple at a time.

And voila!  Easy-Peasy-Lemon-Squeezy cake donuts!

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